JohnQ Public Inc. (JohnQ) is a not-for-profit Municipal Participation Corporation created by municipalities who wanted to explore a new way to work together to deliver infrastructure and services to benefit their communities.
This collaborative team approach provides communities, large, small, rural, or northern a way to deliver on projects that couldn’t be done alone.
Member municipalities are welcome to participate in specific projects of the corporation at their discretion.

We are JohnQ
We deliver services and develop strategic projects across Manitoba to make communities better.
JohnQ is a coalition of the willing. JohnQ is a non-profit Municipal Participation Corporation founded in 2018 and led by a Board of Directors.
We believe we can do better for communities, for our province and for our future, and that’s what we intend to do.
Local Government leadership at the service of our citizens.
JohnQ was incorporated under the Province of Manitoba Corporations Act in 2018.
JohnQ is led by a Board of Directors consisting of 13 Directors that are appointed by the shareholders and make decisions on their behalf, and 5 Directors that are appointed by the Board.
The 13 original shareholders provided a one-time contribution of $7500 to establish the organization.
There are no membership fees or contributions, and membership is completely voluntary.
JohnQ operates under By-Laws, Governance Documents, Policies, and Procedures consistent with best practice. The not-for-profit corporation is audited annually and that audit report is presented to the Board each year by the managing partner of Heartland Chartered Professional Accountants, Adam Kilfoyle.
Well Spent
Every dollar wasted is a debt owed to the taxpayer.
We maximize the value of each taxpayer’s investment in our communities by investing well, delivering value and long-term sustainability for each investment. We seek to leverage our assets in the pursuit of the best possible future.
Win Now,
Win Later.
Smart leaders make investments they can
stand behind.
In every project, we consider how it positively impacts our communities.

Future is
Not For Sale.
Together, we can build for today and for tomorrow.
We can embrace our obligations to our grandchildren – improving the economy and protecting the environment simultaneously.
By planning and working together, we can afford to make better choices for the future of our communities.
Your Voice.
Solving problems together, when it makes sense.
We can work together and maintain our autonomy; and by utilizing economies of scale, the more we plan, collaborate and work together, the stronger our results will be.
Working together, we will continue to define good stewardship, good governance and good growth.
Cut Once.
Sometimes, doing it yourself costs more and delivers less.
We pool and build expertise and capacity, to support communities by:
- Saving money through economies of scale;
- Sharing our organizational and administrative capacity;
- Reducing our risks;
- Shortening timelines;
- Ensuring best value for our communities;
- Delivering more for all residents of Manitoba.
Successful businesses and industry create solutions, jobs and prosperity.
As part of our team, we work closely with business and industry to create solutions and identify best practices.
Working respectfully with suppliers, municipal leaders and industry experts, we can create better outcomes for our communities.
It’s not about creating more hoops, it’s about reducing red tape.
Interested in
learning more?
Contact Us
Contact Us
Municipal leadership at the service of citizens.
JohnQ at your Service.
111-1555 St. James Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 1B5